Monday, August 18, 2008

Sign the petition below to make August 6 National Nuclear Disarmament Day and please encourage others to do the same.

Burlington WILPF, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, made history on August 6, 2008 in Burlington, Vermont by initiating and observing the first Nuclear Disarmament Day in The US.

We are circulating a petition to Congress to make August 6th a national day of remembrance as Nuclear Disarmament Day

We will be going to Washington, DC on September 15 to lobby and bring the signed petitions to Congress.

Please sign the petition online by clicking on the address below and please encourage others to do the same.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

The anniversary of the bombing of Hiroshima, August 6 and Nagasaki, August 9 are remembered this year in Burlington Vermont in a city wide declaration. Burlington City Declares August 6 - Nuclear Disarmament Day.
This is the first such day to exist in the United States.
With awareness and energy perhaps citizens around the country will compel their local leaders to do the same.
The bombs were dropped 63 years ago. The world needs to learn from history. Nuclear weapons do not lead to world peace.
Today, now more than ever, we need to pressure the Department of Energy, the Administration, our local officials and spur dialog in our communities to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons and to honor the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty.

In an interview with YES! Magazine, former Secretary of State, member of the Reagan cabinet, George Shultz explains why he believes nuclear abolition is possible, and what can be done to make a nuclear-free world a reality.